Thursday 13 February 2014

Crazy Commuting.

This is literally what my train feels like in the morning, I’m sure all the commuters out there know where I’m coming from?
From buses that are stuck in 3 hour traffic jams, to packed trains where you’re jammed into the most uncomfortable positions possible, precariously holding onto something stable, and occasionally falling into the people behind you.

I've only experienced the ‘Big City Commute’ for the past week, and no wonder people look so miserable in the morning! Ive already experienced arguments, frustration and a little bit of claustrophobia!
No matter how much you love your job, commuting is not enjoyable. And recent studies have shown that commuters feel less satisfied and happy. See here for more on this;


If you look on the bright side, commuting is a great opportunity to have some ‘you’ time (even if you are squashed in so close to the person next to you that you could possibly be conjoined.) Read a book, play a game on your phone or tablet, procrastinate on life, people watch, learn a language, teach yourself the times tables again, whatever floats your boat right?

And look at the little things;
Last week i was on the train home when i saw a women telling her friend about her new light shade, which was a shade of ‘midnight plum.’ He (being a man) then asked what colour it was. She said it was the colour of an aubergine. He said ‘Green?’ They than had a half hour debate on what colour an aubergine was, purple or green. After witnessing the whole thing and laughing (quietly) the whole way through. I realized that commuting CAN be hugely entertaining.

I just CANT WAIT for summer, when it wont be freezing and so windy that you have to chase your shoes across Manchester (Yes i had to do that yesterday in gale force winds!) And when i can enjoy the walk to the train station without holding an umbrella above my head while trying to put gloves on and control my scarf!

Thanks for reading, feel free to message me any ideas or questions you have!
Laura xo

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