Thursday 27 February 2014

"Don't define yourself by your business/your job: Define yourself as a person."

This morning myself and two colleagues went to a Seminar; Vikas Shah - a journey of success, failure & reality.

Vikas seemed really lovely and so down to earth. He told us about his story of being involved in a series of businesses, and the ups and downs of them all. 

I was really inspired by firstly, the fact that he started a business at the age of 14! Managed to continue it through school (Jumping in a taxi straight from school and going to the office!) and also the way Vikas faced every challenge he came up against with confidence. 
He spoke so much truth and didn't sugar coat everything. His humor was also a plus!

He also spoke about how important it is to have a work/play balance, and how getting in the office earliest and staying latest is a competition these days, to show how 'hard' you work. 
When in reality it affects your health and isn't a good balance for your life, family and friends. 
Personally i completely agree with this, and cannot stress enough how unhealthy it is when work takes over your life.  

Its just a job, you can get another one. 

Family and friends are not as replaceable. 
Yes. Enjoy it. Work hard at it, (or as Vikas said 'work smart!') but don't make it the be all and end all of your life.

Vikas came up with all sorts of wise words, and im still trying to decide which one is my new motto! 

1. 'How hard can it be?' 
2."The good thing about being in a peer network; you're surrounded by people just as ambitious, and just as crazy as you!"
3. "Your business is only as good as your best people"
4. "You're human and need people around you. Build a good social network" 
5. "You've got to stay engaged. Don't forget there's a community around you" 

But i think my favorite has to be...

 "Don't define yourself by your business/your job: Define yourself as a person"

A thought for the day, whats your view?

Also Berg now has a Google + page, follow us here; +Berg Solicitors 

Until next time;
Laura xo

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